Donor-Advised Fund

In just a few clicks, your Donor-Advised Fund will help cancer patients and their loved ones find a way forward.

It’s easy to make a gift to the Center using DAF Direct. If you have an account with Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon, use the DAF button to make a gift conveniently from your account. Fill in the institution, the designation (how the funds are to be used) and the gift amount and click “Next”. You will then be prompted to login to your account.

A Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) is a type of investment account that allows you to easily support the Cancer Wellness Center and other favorite charities. When you contribute cash, securities, and other assets to your DAF, you’ll recommend how those assets should be invested. You’ll receive an immediate tax deduction, and the assets grow tax-free. You can decide when you would like to recommend gifts to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization of your choice.

DAFs are an excellent way to both simplify your charitable giving and facilitate your strategic philanthropic goals. From your DAF account, you can give to one charity or many. You can make one-time gifts or recurring monthly donations.

For more information on how to establish a DAF, consult with your financial or legal advisor.

Tax Information

As a 501(c)(3) organization, the Cancer Wellness Center is eligible to receive distributions from most donor-advised funds.

Legal Name: Cancer Wellness Center

Address: 215 Revere Drive, Northbrook, IL 60062

Federal Tax ID Number (EIN): 36-3604463