Virtual: Chemo-Brain and How to Adapt to Cognitive Changes During Chemotherapy


Have you gone through chemotherapy, expecting to go through it, or know someone else who has? Join us in learning about ‘chemo-brain’, a commonly occurring side effect of chemotherapy that presents itself through cognitive impairment, attention and concentration difficulties, and new problems with memory. In this program, Mark Livshots will cover information about chemo-brain, techniques […]


Virtual: CWC Staff Chat Series


Join Priscilla Andrews, MA, LCPC, Clinical Manager, as she engages in a monthly thought-provoking conversation with her fellow Clinical Team members. Each conversation will focus on an aspect of the cancer experience, providing different insights and perspectives on a common theme. Audience questions are invited and encouraged. The Series will be available via Zoom (registration […]


Lessons on Death and Dying: A Virtual Series


Thanatology is the science and study of death and dying from a variety of perspectives including medical, psychological, spiritual, and others. Cancer often forces an awareness of one’s mortality through means that are harsh and unexpected for both the patient and their loved ones. This virtual series aims to educate and generate conversation around death […]


¿Por qué es importante la detección temprana del cáncer de próstata?/ Why is it Important to Detect Prostate Cancer Early?


Miércoles 16 de noviembre 6:00 - 6:45 pm Escuche esta entrevista con el Dr. Fernández-Peña, experto en salud pública sobre la importancia de la detección temprana del cáncer de próstata. Posteriormente habrá preguntas y respuestas. Invitado especial: José Ramon Fernández- Peña, MD, MPA. Ex presidente de la American Public Health Association y Fundador de Welcome […]

Virtual: Disparity Rates and the Latest in Pancreatic Surgical Practices


Black Americans are at an increased risk for pancreatic cancer, with an incidence rate that’s 67% higher than any other ethnic or racial group in the United States. (National Cancer Institute) Pancreatic cancer isn’t the only ailment affecting people of color at higher rates. Join Rolfe as we partner with the Cancer Wellness Center in […]

Virtual: Cancer & Probiotics: Uses, Side Effects and More


Survivors often struggle with conflicting information about whether or not probiotics are important to include in their wellness plan. The dietitian will present information about this topic, and provide strategies to equip participants in the decision making process. Learn about the pros and cons of using probiotics. The dietitian will also discuss the value of […]


Virtual: ¿Como lidiar con los días festivos en diciembre?/How to Cope with the Holidays Blues


Miércoles 7 de diciembre de 6:00 - 6:45 pm Acompáñenos a la plática de Marie Fuentes-Harris, MSW, LCSW sobre cómo afrontar emocionalmente la temporada de fiestas navideñas. Marie Fuentes es trabajadora social en Outpatient Oncology and Palliative Care NM Lake Forest Hospital PARA REGISTRARSE CLIC AQUí Join us as Marie Fuentes-Harris, MSW, LCSW talks about […]

Virtual: Caring for the Caregiver


Caring for a loved one with cancer can be a stressful and isolating experience, and caregiver distress often exceeds that of the cancer patient. In this presentation, we will explore the challenges of caregiving along with strategies to reduce the anxieties inherent in the role. Topics include finding sources for support, fostering self-care, maintaining intimacy, […]


Demostración de cocina de recetas saludables/Cooking Demonstration of Healthy Recipes

Cancer Wellness Center Northbrook 215 Revere Dr, Northbrook, IL, United States

Jueves 8 de diciembre de 6:00 - 6:30 pm Acompáñenos a preparar y probar recetas nutritivas. Este en un nuevo programa que será facilitado por Bertha Chávez de Fenix Family Health Center. HYBRID EVENT/EVENTO HIBRIDO (en vivo y por Zoom) Para registrarse y participar por Zoom  haga  CLIC AQUÍ Para registrarse y participar en persona […]

Virtual: Treatment’s Done…Now What?


Join us as we discuss the common concerns that arise when treatment has ended, and strategies for coping with the transition to being post-treatment. Open to both survivors and their loved ones. This program is ideal for individuals who are approaching the end of treatment, as well as those who have already completed treatment. Presented […]

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